Monday, 27 September 2010

Literary Landscapes: Jack Kerouac's Desolation Peak

"marshmallow clouds" originally found at
Isn't this awesome? I found it while randomly googling my favourite things. It's what Kerouac would have seen from Desolation Peak (Dharma Bums and Desolation Angels). I'm going to try and post a cool "literary photo" every week....
"I see a vision of a great rucksack revolution, thousands or even millions of young Americans wandering around with rucksacks, going up to mountains to pray, making children laugh and old men glad, making young girls happy and old girls happier, all of 'em Zen Lunatics who go about writing poems that happen to appear in their heads for no reason and also by being kind and also by strange unexpected acts keep giving visions of eternal freedom to everybody and to all living creatures. . . ."


Anonymous said...

Great pic!

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